Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day One

Today was my first day in Mr. Schick's class because I got moved out of my old class because it was to crowded. We got our seats and then Mr. Schick had us make a blog, but because we were having some difficulty, Mr. Schick had some of his other students who had been in the class help us. We had lots of issues creating the blogs, even with the help. I had Grace help me. Everytime I tried to create my blog it said it failed or something. Eventually, I just made another gmail account because something was wrong with my other one. Overall, the class was really fun and I like that we get to blog. While we were setting up our blogs, and other students were setting up their emails, Mr. Schick passed out donuts, and although they were good, I didn't know why we got them. I think being in Mr. Schick's class is going to be fun because he's cool. My first day in Mr. Schick's class, is complete.