Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Fertile Crescent

Today we watched the video AGAIN. Thankfully, these notes aren't as long as the other ones because we talked a lot in class about the video... More than usual anyways. Okay! So let's begin... Any two points on the earth that have the same latitude, will have roughly the same climate and vegetation, growing season, temperature, time of day, etc. The animals started spreading from the Fertile Crescent, and wherever the animals spread, they transformed human ways of life. Crops from the Fertile Crescent (which I'm changing to FC) fed people all around. The same crops and animals that were in the FC where taken to the Americas, and now there are over 100 million cows in the USA alone. Also, Americans consume around 20 million tons (40 billion pounds) of wheat every year. New Guniea didn't get any of the things from the FC like wheat or barley, and they didn't get any of the good, large farming animals with the exception of pigs.

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