Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today we presented our projects, my group went second! I think our project was awesome and that we did awesome. We were super convincing and we had awesome information and we are just so amazing. We had the power group! Our poster was THE best! It was so G! The only thing that I think we should have worked on a little more was talking off the slide because everyone kept doing that... But when we had to give credit to everyone in the group, I gave everyone 20% of credit so it all equally 100%, because I think we all did the same amount. But Holly and Grace both gave me more credit than other people because they said I did a lot of work and directed a lot of it, but I think that we all did a very cooperative, well together, everyone doing something job. I don't think that sentence made sense... But it's okay! Maybe...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Buy USA, Today. (Working On Projects)

Today in class we started out by introducing everyone's Japanese shadows. Xavier's shadow was so cool and nice! He was so friendly! And then I found out that he likes to play tennis, which is super cool. And then Mason didn't know anything about his shadow which was a fail. Then we got to work on our projects. In my group, I have Holly, Grace, Maria, and Kristen. Talk about an awesome group! We are all the overachieving smart girls in the class, we are SO gonna ace this! I have total confidence in everyone! We work so well together to get things done. In class today we divided up the work so well and we finished our powerpoint, so tomorrow we are doing our poster the entire class to make it look super awesome. We chose footwear to be our item that we wanted to sell. I was in charge of finding an American made shoe, and then to help others out. So, I ended up finding the Chinese made shoe and also making corrections and doing other things on the powerpoint. We have this in the bag, I am so physicked!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Today was... a Day

Today in class was kind of boring, and I was thinking meaningless, but it definitely wasn't! We discussed important terms that we all need to know. The words were capitalism, communism, free enterprise, and free market, you can find the definitions at the bottom of this post. We had to find the definitions at the beginning of class, and then we went into more detail and found out important things that all of our definitions needed to have and we had to change somethings to make them more accurate and easier to understand. Mr. Schick got really upset because everyone in my class always talks and never pays attention, if we keep it up, I have a feeling Mr. Schick isn't going to be as cool anymore...

capitalism - An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit

communism - classless social order and a society in which all property is state owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs

free enterprise - An economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control

free market - An economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Just To Let You Know.....

Today at the beginning of class, Matt, Damon, and Eryn were absent yesterday, so someone had to tell them everything that they missed the other day in class. So I was one of the people chosen to help explain and I had my blog up and my notes open just to look on for reference. I did a pretty fantastic job if I do say so myself. Then we continued on with the video, and the first thing we saw was the Lifan motors guy who was known as the "Motorcycle King" in Chongqing, and he took ideas from American car companies and re-engineered them to make his cars, so basically he took our ideas! How rude! He said that he eventually wanted to get his cars in the United States and I can tell you right now, I will refuse to buy them! That guy is not cool. I also took more notes but I forgot my notebook at school... *face palm

Monday, December 3, 2012

China Can Drive

At the start of class we got our essays back, I got 190/200. I was really happy I got an A! I also got a quiz that I made up and I aced that, I got 100% WHOOP WHOOP. We talked about it for awhile and then we finished watched the People's Republic of Capitalism Video and then started another one, apparently there are four parts and we watched the first one and the only other we are gonna watch(and we started watching) is the third. The car company that was featured in the video was Lifan. The video said that eventually, China will pass the United States in amount of highways and amount of cars, which doesn't surprise me. They said that China was still in the process of really getting cars and accepting them and everyone is so obsessed with them or something like that. Apparently, they have around 400 accidents a day, which is insane! But they try not to get the police involved, most crashes or fender benders are solved by the drivers and they aren't very mean, harsh, ignorant, and scary as some Americans when it comes to crashes. If the police came to the scene then he would decide who was at fault and they would pay more. The video also said that anything that can be done by manual labor in China, is. Its because of all the people who need money and they will do anything for it! Like they build highways with MANUAL LABOR. That, first of all, is exhausting, and second, it must take forever!!!! I would hate that, Mr. Schick said that no one would ever do that in the United States and I totally agree. It's insane, I could never imagine doing something like that....