Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay #3

I think that excellence is a very good thing, in order to achieve excellence at the John Carroll School I need to have a five point action plan. The first way to be excellent in my four years at the John Carroll School is to always work my hardest and do my best in all of the work I turn in. This includes doing all of my homework and turning everything in on time. Second, I will need to push myself to the limit physically and mentally. Physically so I can do my best on the basketball team and hopefully make varisty. Mentally so I can get A's and B's on all of my assignments. Third, I need to do everything as soon as possible and not procrasinate. That is an issue I have always had and it really needs to be fixed, so I will use my first year at John Carroll as my turning point on procrastination. Fourth, I have to participate in all of my classes and not sit back and listen or watch. My dad always tells me that you remember 70% of what you DO. So you need to partipate in class, take notes, and get involved, it will only help you in the long run. Lastly, I have to make sure I have fun in highschool. I find it easier to learn and do things when you are having fun. When I am bored its hard for me to pay attention and do my best, so if I am trying to make it fun and a have a good time then classes will go by faster and work will be more bearable.

1 comment:

  1. "My dad always tells me that you remember 70% of what you DO." I think your dad is exactly right. You are going to have a great four years here, Doori! 25/25
