Monday, September 17, 2012

Gangnam Style!

Today Mr. Schick said that class was going to be super boring, but things are never boring in our class. We are too awesome for boredom. We learned a lot on basic population settlement. We had to take notes on it. We got sidetracked a lot, as usual, but this sidetracked was unlike any other! We watched a music video at the end of class by Psy, called Gangnam Style. Its my theme song, I'm really surprised Mr. Schick let us watch it! It was hilarious though so it was a good ending to class. We learned about a lot of stuff like net migration rate, fertility rate, and other stuff. Mr. Schick told us to remember the number 2.1, because that is what the fertility rate needs to be in order to maintain a constant population. When Mr. Schick grades this I'm sure he'll be proud of me for remembering, and I didn't even need to look at my notes! I am just THAT good. Well class was super funny and awesome, like usual. Its hard not to have an awesome class when Mr. Schick is your teacher, so I guess this Monday, wasn't too bad.

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