Monday, September 24, 2012

Video on Sudan

Today in class, we started with a quiz. It was pretty easy, but you never know if you made a mistake because sometimes you think an answer is right, but its actually not right, its wrong. I hope I get at least a B. After our quiz, we watched a video on Sudan. It was really sad, I wanted to cry at some parts. The Muslims in the north, were trying to get rid of the tribal religions and Christians in the south. They made a law that said they could kill any boy at any age, so a lot of boys fled from the country. The things they did to people that weren't Muslim were heartbreaking. The giant group of boys that fled, are known as the Lost Boys of Sudan. Everything they went through and at such a young age is very upsetting. It makes me want to go out into the world and do something about it, it makes me want to go out and help people who have difficult lives and need all the help they can get. Towards the end of class, into the video, it was at a part where some of the boys got to go to the United States to live. I am glad that some of them got to go. One of the narartors, I think it was Daniel, sold the rest of his corn to get money to buy candy for all of the children in the camp as a treat because he was going to Pennyslvania. What he did was so nice and caring, and he didn't even have much to begin with, but still he gave. I can't wait to watch the rest of the video tomorrow in class.

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