Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Working on Presentations

Today we started working on our presentations, my group was assigned India, Damon was working on the powerpoint while Evan, Mason, and I find the information for the powerpoint. I really wanted to do the powerpoint because I love to do technology things and I like to get things done myself, I'm kind of an overachiever and I like making sure everything is done to the correct criteria. But overall, class was fun and I got a lot of information on India. I found out that its net migration rate was -0.05/1000. I had to look hard and use the other information given to get push factors for India. I ended up getting that it was a poor country, it was over populated, and some other stuff too. I hope that our powerpoint turns out well, I tried to be as helpful as I could and make sure I fiund good information, so I got a lot of help from Mr. Schick.

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