Friday, September 28, 2012

Mr. Schick Was MIA Today

Today Mr. Schick wasn't in class, I think he was at a field trip or something. I saw it in the daily bulletin. Anyways, we had a substitute who was the actual teacher of the classroom we were in. I forget her name though. She had us explain to her about the video in the beginning of class because she didn't know what was going on, so we all were telling her important stuff about the video. She then had us write down a sentence prediction of what would happen next in the movie. I said that they would have started settling down in the US and be working. I was correct! Except that they were missing their friends and family and normal traditions and customs. They said that they had a lot of questions but there were few people who could answer them. They wanted to know about Santa because they didn't know who he was, they said that Christmas in Sudan is totally different. Panther and Daniel said that they were both sad because they were never home and hardly saw each other anymore, and they all wanted to know how Americans lived hardly ever seeing each other or spending time with friends and family since they are always working. I hope we finally get to finish the video Monday.

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