Monday, October 15, 2012

Cultural Geography: Religion

Today in class, I learned the five major religions in the world are Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam. Mr. Schick told us that Christians were looked at for being bad and doing illegal things as in not practicing the Roman religions. We started to go over our homework over the weekend, where we had to find out information on each of the five major religions. We weren't allowed to actually pull out our books and check it but we did try and remember what we wrote to see if we were basically correct. In the beginning of class we finished going over ethnic heritage, Mr. Schick said that the Hutus and the Tutsis are two dominating religions in some countries in Africa. In some parts the Hutus persecute the Tutsis and vice-versa in other parts, their arguments lead to constant war. Mr. Schick was telling us that they had more in common then different, but they still found the differences and fought over them. I think that it's kind of sad that they are arguing over differences when they have so much in common, its unnecessary violence that is only leading to death on both sides. P.S. My image is of arguing, therefore it is relevant. I just made it the Simpsons to make it more humorous.

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