Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Native Americans, Vikings, and Columbus, OH MY!

Today in class we presented our powerpoints. The Native American group went first, they said that 12,000 - 17,000 years ago Native Americans settled in the Americas. They got there by a land bridge in connecting Russia and Alaska. Native Americans were very spiritual and took good care of the land, they were the very first settlers of America. Then my group, the vikings, went. We said that the Vikings also took very good care of the land, they grew lots of crops. We also said that the Vikings didn't settle in the Americas very long in the Americas because of arguments with the Natives. We said that Vikings came in long, narrow ships to get easily and quietly up rivers to raid towns. They also weren't sent they were just looking for more lands to conquer. Lastly, the Columbus group went. It was so funny because they got obvious questions wrong, like one of the quests was did they settle in the land and their answer was no, which obviously isn't correct. But some of the correct information they gave us was that they first arrived in America, present day Bahamas, on October 12, 1492. They were sent to go there to try and sail to India to find a quicker way to get there. They got there by three ships and conquered the land because they thought it would be easy to take advantage of the Native Americans, and once they did, they destroyed the land.

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