Monday, October 8, 2012


In class today we went over our tests. I got a 94 so I was glad I got an A. After that we briefly talked about blogging and Christopher Columbus. Then we got into groups of either Native Americans, Vikings, and Columbus and company. My group was the Vikings, in my group there was Kristen, Grace, Maria, Nadia, and Holly. We worked very well together and got lots of work done. Mr. Schick even came up to us and told us that we picked a good group and that we were doing a very good job of getting work done. For my group, I made the slides for how long the vikings stayed in the Americas and did they fight to conquer the Americas. My group was very organized and tried our best to get everything done in class, but we are putting finishing touches on everything tonight like organizing everything, spell check, and so on. I'm really excited to get to present our powerpoints later, we worked really hard on ours.

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