Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We Are Actually Doing This!

Today we looked at different organizations and tried to pick one that would work best for us. I'm not sure which one we picked... When we left class I thought that we were more at a point where any of the sites were good. Anyways, I really hope that we get to do all that we "planned" during class. I put planned in quotes because they were more of ideas and not complete things that we could do. But when I talked to Mr. Schick after class about the ideas that I wanted to do he started doing this weird bowing thing which I'm pretty sure means that its up to us. So here are my ideas in case you were wondering, I wanted to go on a walk around the little town near our school and we could wear shirts and make posters in order to help inform more people about the issue in Sudan. The other thing I wanted to do would be go to other schools and talk about it (we could go to elementary, middle, and high schools) so they would know more. We could even do a thing where students collect money in envelopes like for Jump Rope for Heart and use the money collected to donate to the place of our choice. I'm not sure what rewards we could give to the students that raised money though... Maybe we could have the school promise them an after or during school activity or movie if they raised a certain amount of money, but we would need to make it appealing to all ages, which could be difficult. Maybe they could have a dance and only people who raised money could go! I don't know I'm kind of spit balling ideas.... I just really hope we can make our ideas into our actions.

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