Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hinduism = Hard to Learn

In class we still were going over the religions, we did Hinduism and Mr. Schick said that his slide was mainly wrong, so he had to ask a student in the other class to tell people about it. Apparently there is like one god that branches out into other gods, I don't really know... I didn't understand it that much, Mr. Schick said that it was hard to learn if you didn't grow up learning it. We also talked about Buddhism and Christianity more. We said that it was misleading that the Buddha was chubby in all of his statues and stuff, but in reality he was probably skin and bones. Also that Jesus is always painted with blue eyes, when in reality it was almost impossible for him to have blue eyes and to have been born were he was in Jerusalem. We also learned that Judaism is the oldest surviving monotheistic religion, and that Islam, Christianity, and Judaism have a lot in common, the only major difference is that we believe Jesus is the Messiah, Muslims believe that Mohammad was the messiah, and Jews are still waiting on the messiah. I think that is really funny that we have so much in common with them, but everyone thinks we are so different from one another. Just because we have different ideas and clothes and we don't really live that close together (for the main parts of the religions) doesn't mean we are like aliens to one another and should be fighting over it. We got sidetracked a lot again, which is fun sometimes but other times I wish we didn't. P.S. That picture of Buddha is creeeeeeeeeeppppppyyyyy.

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