Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Smart Compared To The Wise

Today in class we were suggesting test questions to Mr. Schick. A lot of people kept on saying hard ones and I was like, why would you do that? Don't you want the questions to be easy? There is a difference between being smart and wise, a smart person would give hard questions, a wise person would give easy ones so that they would pass easily. I'm not sure how many people are going to agree with me on that one... But anyways, here are some of the questions that people were saying, including me (see I participate in class). Mason suggested who is the Enlightened One? Answer: Siddhartha Gautama. Then Maria said something about Saul/Paul who loved to conquer Christians until God made him see again. A question I suggested was what two main groups are Muslims separated into, and people were yelling at me because apparently the question was "hard," but it is the Sunnis and the Shiites. Then Matt said what two similar groups have been fighting for a long time in Africa. Answer: Hutus and Tutsis. Then Patrick said something hilarious to Maheer and I went into a super long laughing fit and I was crying and laughing for like ten minutes straight and everyone was staring at me uncomfortably. Then Mr. Schick brought me some tissues because I was literally crying. Then someone else said something and it happened twice more, but they weren't as bad as the first time. Class was super fun today(:

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