Friday, October 12, 2012

Worlds Major Religions

Christianity started around 30 AD in Palestine by the disciples of Jesus. It is a monotheistic religion. There is a holy book called the Bible. The religion has about 2.2 followers. The central figure in Christianity is Jesus Christ. Most followers of Christianity are in South America, North America, Europe, Australia, most of Asia., and Southern Africa. 

Islam started around 622 AD in Mecca and was founded by Muhammad. It is a monotheistic religion. Their holy book is called the Quran. It has around 1.5 billion followers. Their central figure is Allah. Most followers are in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

Buddhism was founded in the fourth or fifth century BC in North East India by Siddartha Gautama. It is a polytheistic religion. They do not have a holy book. They have around 200 - 500 million followers. Their central figure is Buddah, who is also known as Siddartha, the founder of the religion. Most followers are in Asia.

Hinduism was founded in 1500-500 BC in India. It is a polytheistic religion. They have several holy books, but the oldest one is the Veda.The religion has around 1 billion followers. The central figures in Hinduism are their gods and goddesses, so there isn't one official main figure. Most followers are in India. 

Judaism was founded in 2000 BC in Israel. It is a monotheistic religion. Their holy book is the Torah. It has around 12 - 14 million followers. Their central figures are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, also known as the Patriarchs. Most followers are in Israel.

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