Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Not Much Movie..

Today in class, we didn't really watch too much of the movie, and part of the time we did, it was parts we already saw. But we talked a lot about outsourcing and how it hurts workers in America, but it makes our products that we get much less expensive then they would be. Then we realized that it all was a chain  reaction, whether the jobs stayed in the United States or whether they were outsourced to China. If the jobs stayed in the United States, then the prices of the engines would go up, because the price of the engines would be so expensive, no one would want to buy them. Then the business would end up going out of  business and everyone would get laid off and no one would have work. After this part the outsourcing of China has the same effects. Because no one has jobs or a lot of people in a small town lose jobs, small businesses go out of business because hardly anyone can afford it and then hardly anyone has jobs and it keeps going and going. I thought that it was really sad.... Then Mr. Schick asked would we rather have people in China earning around $7 or people in the USA earning that same amount and the price of the product would increase. Then he asked or would we rather have people in China doing cheap labor and have lower prices on the things we want to buy. I liked that class but at the same time it made me really upset...

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