Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Talking, Video, and Talking About the Video

Today in class was kind of like yesterday, a lot of talking, except today we had more of the video and it was of parts that we haven't seen yet. I can't remember at all anything that we talked about, it's kind of sad... But I am so tired right now and I feel so brain dead! But in class, I was a lot better! Anyways, in the video, I remember this one girl in China who was 17 years old, and she was getting paid around $20 a day to work in a factory and basically inspect to make sure everything was right on the product they were making, which was radios. A similar job was with a woman in the United States who was 20 years old. She was getting paid $20 an hour to inspect couches that the company she worked for made. The main guy narrating the video talked to the Chinese girl and she said that it made her really upset and kinda mad about how people are earning more in the United States to do the same or similar work. I also remember the video talking about Mexican or Guatemalan migrant workers, but I can't remember exactly where they were from, and they worked on a plantation in a Southern state in the USA that grew cotton and tobacco plants, and they did really hard work and they did it well (that's what the plantation owner or manager said) compared to locals who don't like to go out and do the hard work in the heat.

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