Sunday, November 18, 2012

World War III?

Today in class we were talking about the whole thing how the Palestinians blew up Israel just because they hate each other so much. Then Israel sent some bombs back over and then they sent more back and it had been going back and forth for a few days and now apparently Israel is preparing to cross the border. I'm afraid that this will be the start of World War III, I'm kind of scared. Mr. Schick told us, not to scare us but to be realistic, that this could be the start of a war. Egypt supports the Palestinians so if Israel goes and starts to attack them, then Egypt will join in, and then we will have to help Israel, and other countries might join in and it will just get worse and worse. Apparently, if Israel or Iran also bomb one another then that could also start the next world war. We are in the time of a lot of tension, and now that I am starting to understand and be aware of some of it, its starting to freak me out. Overall class was interesting.

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