Monday, November 26, 2012

The People's Republic of Capitalism

Today in class, I had to take a make up quiz because I wasn't in class. It was open blog though and I had all of the answers and I pay attention in class so it was super easy and it didn't take me very long. Then when I walked in Mr. Schick was talking about some guy who had the same name as a pedophile and that he is coming to talk to us tomorrow about hardships that he faced because people thought that he was the same guy who was a pedophile. Then he challenged us to ask one good question to the guy coming in and we will get 10 extra credit points. Of course I want the extra credit, but its scary talking in front of the whole school. I might... I don't know I haven't made up my mind yet on what I'm going to do. After all of that, we started watching a movie called the People's Republic of Capitalism which is about China. It was kinda sad.... But it was interesting. I found out the Chongqing is "the biggest city you've never heard of" and its along the water and the USA has a base there, so it's an important city to us. I already knew that the people in China could only have one child, but I completely didn't even think about how the earthquake probably killed many families only child, and I can't even imagine how heartbreaking that could be. I also learned that many jobs in China are so mindless and easy that it's exhausting and there becomes a pressure and boredom of doing the same thing everyday. I would hate to do that! I learned that many jobs in the USA are being outsourced to China which is taking away from jobs in the United States, and children in China are being prepared for jobs at such a young age. Also, many women earn less than men. In construction, they earn $1-2 and men earn $3-4. We finished at a part that said that China wanted to end up turning Chongqing into a major place of trade and investment.

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